I was sharing (bragging) that Ty - my 15 year old son with autism - no longer needed to wear pull ups at night. It's been almost a year since I had to wash pee-pee sheets. I was so proud to share such a huge accomplishment...
Have I not learned anything about being a MAK! 2 nights in a row....pee pee sheets.
Lesson learned - Keep the celebration realistic.
It's autism.


  1. Yep, that's autism all right! These kids are so funny, and we will NEVER have it all together lol

  2. So what your telling me is I need to plan on pee pee laundry for the rest of my life. Sorry Laura hopefully the no pee pee trend will come back.

  3. A year break it nice! I'm sure things will be back to pee free soon. It gives me hope for my 13 year old! Thanks~
